Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vatican Calls for "Central World Bank" to Be Set Up

Dispensationalists should like this.

Free Website Counter


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Should help the Dispies further crack the code found in the book of Revelation. :)

    For the rest of us, it's just really bad economic policy.

    Hope all is well with you and your family, Ron.



  2. Always good to hear from you, Joel.

    I was in Calgary a couple of weeks ago and was able one evening to head up to Banff with a colleague. The mountains were magnificent. We stopped in for a drink at the Banff Springs Hotel before heading to dinner in town. There's talk of a trip to BC in the spring. If memory serves, you're in Saskatchewan? Never been and probably no reason for business to take me there. :(

    Hey to Shane. :)



  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Hi Ron,

    Banff is a wonderful place. I've only been to Fernie in BC, but it was a beautiful place as well.

    Good memory. :) I was in Saskatchewan up and until 2008. I'm now in Ottawa...about a 30 minute drive away from Shane.

    When I moved to Ottawa, I traveled through your fine country and stopped off for a brief visit with Mark.

    If you're ever in Ottawa, let me know. Would enjoy seeing you.

    Keep up the good work with the blog. Always enjoy stopping by.


  4. Now Ottawa, that's a possibility. I was there two years ago when working with the Montreal office. Seriously, if I get that way I will most definitely look you up. I visited Mark in Michigan once and he said you had been there and how much he enjoyed visiting with you. If you ever get down through Delaware, or for you "dela-where?" let me know! Lisa and I would love to host you for as long as you could stay.



  5. Ill never forget telling a few Dispensationalists that if getting a computer chip in my hand made my life easier (like E-Z pass did), I would sign up immediately.

    Stunned silence.

  6. James,

    You mean you haven't gotten yours yet? I bet you have an iPad though. :)
